

Our company is 14-years old, and we are in to the fields of Medical Transcription/Medical Coding/Billing training, MT production, Coding cum Billing Project work, Data Conversion, Call centre etc.

We are one of the oldest companies in the above fields having a long standing high quality track record in training, that has given us an excellent market reputation. We offer an advanced full time 4 months course in Medical transcription; 2 months course for Medical Coding/Billing and also extend online training. Our trainee’s qualities of work, accuracy, TAT etc have been well accepted and MNC’s, Service providers absorbs our trainees to work for them. Our students are working in the top brass level as PR’s, Editors, Managers, Senior Faculty and few are also working outside India in good position.

This organization is the brain child of a professionally qualified engineer with vast experience in banking, industry, administration, trading etc and he was shouldering senior level responsible positions. He started this from a scratch, with substantial investment of his own and has built it to a well known reputed organization in various activities. He has with him an excellent dedicated, long serving, efficient management team. He is an entrepreneur, with vision, imaginative outlook, strong acumen and ambitions looking for further developments and growth of business in the fields of medical education, Spoken English, clinical research training, setting up a diagnostics laboratory, and in other sectors as well.

The company by itself has earned high market reputation as a premium organization with continuous ongoing regular trainees in the existing fields. We already have franchisees with us and they have also developed business and come up to our expectations. To expand further to other lines of activities, we look for broad minded, committed, dedicated personnel with investments as good will, and who can also shoulder the responsibilities under day to day guidance.


Franchisee at AS Rao Nagar Hyderabad:

Our franchise at AS Rao Nagar was established in 2009 and is being headed by Mrs Suman, a post graduate in M.Sc. She had undergone a thorough training in Medical Transcription, Medical Coding and Medical Billing at SSZ Infotech H.O. at YMCA Secunderabad for over a year. The Franchisee, Mrs Suman has been trained extremely well by The Company for conducting the training and all other business aspects. She has acquired all the skills and is performing extremely well. She does the counseling of the trainees, recruit, handle, manage and train the students efficiently. However, the faculties of the Company also visit the franchisee centre frequently to assist in technical development.

Franchisee at Karkhana Hyderabad:

Having established a franchisee centre at AS Rao Nagar, Mrs Suman had requested that she will open one more franchisee unit at Karkhana. Taking into considerations her skills, post graduate degree qualification and her excellent management of the AS Rao Nagar Centre, SSZ Infotech was pleased to provide her with more opportunities to expand her area of operations. The faculties of the Company also visit the franchisee centre frequently to assist in technical development. Our Karkhana franchisee centre is fully functional in all aspects.

Franchisee at Gulbarga Karnataka:

The Franchisee had a desire to start this Medical Transcriptions Training at Gulbarga and had already invested substantial amount, established the required computers and had launched the commencement of this facility at Gulbarga in 2005. They had also enrolled sufficient number of students to start the training. With this scenario, SSZ Infotech had appointed them as their Franchisee at Gulbarga. Initially The Franchisee will extend training for MT only; and if they may take up Coding/Billing once they get established and have infra structure to carry out the training. The faculties of the Company visit the franchisee centre frequently to assist in technical development

Franchisee at Ananthapur:

We also have a franchisee centre at Anantapur established in 2005. The Franchisee was fully trained at SSZ Infotech in Medical Transcription and Coding; and had acquired all the skills to run a franchisee center efficiently.